Borzoi South Africa
Welcome to Leekhoi Kennels
The Leekhoi Kennel  belongs to Balthi du Plessis.  He previously owned the Shamal Kennel. Balthi is involved in Borzoi since buying his first Borzoi in 1983. He was a member of the Transvaal Borzoi Club for 23 years . He also served as committee member and Chairman. He is a great supporter of the European Borzoi and when he was offered a gift of a pure bred Ardagan dog by the Sax-Colburg Kennel of Andrew and Karin Soine he fell in love with the European type of Borzoi and their personalities. He later importing various dogs from the famous and successfull  Dober-Kopp Kennel in Hungary. One of the females Dober-Kopp Red River of Leekhoi was given the Rosgha Kennel on a breeding agreement.  

The lines incorporate the best of the European lines going back to Troyka of Borjoscka and the famous Bergland Kennel. It incorporates many European and world champions such as Dober-Kopp Zoltan, Dober-Kopp Remeny, Oriana az Aftab Faizabad, Dober-Kopp Black Sirocco, Falkner von ST Petersburg, Tolkaia’s Czardan, Tolkai von Bergland  and Javidov Az Aftab Faizabad.

There is also an American connection through the famous Sunburst Huntsman at Mechta, the Teine kennel’s Windmaster  and Remy through Sunburst Duke Califa at Dober-Kopp,  and to Majenkir  Articus, Snow Stag, Gyrfalcon and Vigow of O’Valley Farm trough Car of twin Elms.

He does not show or breed often because of a very hectic schedule as a businessman but of the few outings Ivan won the BOB at the Borzoi Club Trophy show under a specialist judge a few years ago and Vicky won BOB over a large field under Mrs Hill from the famous Dimland Kennel.

Voodoo will be used as stud.
Dogs from the past:
1. Sasha
2. Avril
3. Sara (Bosjes Madja , Kamysan Krassai x
Miecon Ruadi)
4. Abner
5. Blue (Shamal Blue - Bosjes Madja
x Sax-Colburg Kidai of Shamal)
6. Gotcha (Sax-Colburg Kidai - SA CH Ardagan Vanquiser of Sax – Colburg x Ardagan’s Whispering willow of Sax-Colburg)
Recent dogs:
7. Dober-Kopp Witchcraft Voodoo at Leekhoi (Fluffy) (Sunburst Duke Califa at Dober-Kopp HJ CH,D JCH,HR CH x Dober-Kopp Black Sirocco World Winner, EU JW,HJ CH, HCH, Srb CH)

8. Dober-Kopp Black Mirage (Vicky - PL Ch Hassini Rus Duchess x Oriana Az Aftab Faizabad, Int CH, Yu CH,NL CH, O CH, HJ CH, VCH, World Winner 02)
9. Dober-Kopp Pato Pal Ur (Ivan) – passed away ( PL CH  Hassini Rus Duchess x Dober-Kopp Pannon Remeny , HCH, VDH, World CH 03, Int CH, HR CH CH of CH 03)
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